【 ヒトサラ 】でネット予約
This is special loin cutlets with plateful rice. The thick of it is twice as regular loin cutlet. It costs ¥1.450. The meat is soft and juicy. It is very good! I'd like you to try it.
ヒレかつ定食:1,450円 ★★★★★ 厚みのある、柔らかいとんかつを、湖畔という最高のロケーションでいただく(*˘︶˘*) お腹も心も、たっぷり満たされます。 奥の座敷が湖畔側、おススメ席です! 駐車場有り/禁煙/子連れOK
ヒレカツ定食です! 柔らかくておいしい〜〜(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
一口ロースかつ 柔らかく、歯がなくても食べられる。
This is special loin cutlets with plateful rice. The thick of it is twice as regular loin cutlet. It costs ¥1.450. The meat is soft and juicy. It is very good! I'd like you to try it.